About Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky
Velikovsky and Establishment Science (Kronos Press, 1977)
de Grazia, Alfred: Velikovsky Affair (1978)
Goldsmith, D.: Scientists Confront Velikovsky (1979)
de Grazia, Alfred: Immanuel Velikovsky. Die Theorie der kosmischen Katastrophen (1984)
Greenberg, Lewis M.: Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky (1986)
Ginenthal, Charles: Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky (1990)
Milton, Earl R.: Recollections of a Fallen Sky: Velikovsky and Cultural Amnesia (1992)
Pensee: Velikovsky Reconsidered (1994)
Velikovsky Sharon, Ruth: Aba – The Glory and the Torment: The Life of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky (original edition 1995, new revised edition 2010: 978-1-906833-20-6)
Bauer, Henry H.: Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy (1999)
Velikovsky Sharon, Ruth: Immanuel Velikovsky – The Truth behind the Torment (original edition 2003, new revised edition 2010: 978-1-906833-21-3)
Marriott, David: The Velikovsky Inheritance (2004)
The Velikovsky Encyclopedia: www.velikovsky.info